Xavier de Lignerolles

Born in Lyon in 1982, Xavier de Lignerolles starts studying violin at the age of 6.

In 2006, he enters into the " Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique " of Paris where he joins the singing class of Pierre Mervant.

He works with Kenneth Weiss for the Baroque Repertory, with Jeff Cohen and Anne le Bozec for the Lied and Mélodie, with Graciane Finzi for the Contemporary repertoire. He gets his prize in 2010.

From 2007 to 2016, he sings regularly with the Solistes de Lyon-Bernard Tetu, sacred music as good as opera.

Since 2007 he sings a lot of roles on stage, in France and in other countries : CENDRILLON by Pauline Viardot (le Comte Barigoule) at the Musée d'Orsay's auditorium, EL REGRESO by Oscar Strasnoy (le réceptionniste et Toni) at the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence, directed by Thierry Thieû Niang, LA CAMBIALE DI MATRIMONIO by Rossini (Edoardo Milfort) at Bastia Theatre in a production of Vincent Vittoz, LE NOZZE DI FIGARO by Mozart (Don Curzio) conducted by Paolo OLMI at the Opéra National de Lorraine, LA CHAUVE-SOURIS by Strauss (Alfred), LES CONJUREES by Schubert (Alstof von Reisenberg) at the Opéra de Saint-Etienne and Salle Poirel in Nancy, the role of Antti Puuhaara, in the Musical Tale Antti Puuhaara, written by Tapio Tuomela, in the Sibelius Fondation of Helsinki and at the Opéra de Saint-Etienne, the role of Harlekin in the Opera Der Kaiser von Atlantis, Gastone in Traviata, the role of Martin in the opera La Digitale, by Juan Pablo Carreno, at the Théâtre de la Criée and in the Teatro Colon of Bogota (Colombia), Alessandro in the opera Eliogabalo, by Francesco Cavalli, at the Opera of Calais, the Chief of police in the opera by Denis Bosse La Lettre Volée, in Bruxelles, Aeneas in Dido & Aeneas by Purcell, Dr Diamond in the opera Ce qui vit en nous by Baudouin de Jaer in Belgium, Seven Stones at the Konzerthaus of Dortmund, conducted by Leo Warynski, Hercule, dernier acte, by Zad Moultaka at the Opera of Rouen, Carmen Case by Diana Soh/Georges Bizet (José l'accusé) at the Poitiers Theater, in Luxembourg and at the Opéra National de Bordeaux, conducted by Lucie Legay, in l'étoffe inépuisable du rêve, by Sophie Lacaze, at Monte-Carlo Theater, conducted by Bruno Mantovani…

Since 2010, he collaborates with the Ensemble Musicatreize, under the direction of Roland Hayrabedian; this opportunity gives to Xavier de Lignerolles today the chance to be one of the french tenor specialist in the contemporay music and to work with famous composers, as Michel Petrossian, Zad Moultaka, Alexandros Markéas or Philippe Schoeller, by example.

During 10 years, he managed Tarentule Ensemble, a polyphonic Ensemble about Renaissance Music and Contemporary repertoire. Many creations, for four, five and seven voices, many concerts in Festivals, and two records (Gesualdo and Sweelinck).

2024 is the creation of Ut Musica Poesis, a new structure who develop creations, recitals and operas, with great artists (instrumentalists and singers). Then, first duet with the accordionist Fanny Vicens, with which he sings the cycle Winterreise by Schubert. Five concerts are coming for 2024.

A french melodies recital, around Poulenc, Duparc, Fauré, Debussy, repertory that he loves particulary, with the pianist Anne-Lise Saint-Amans, offers to Xavier de Lignerolles the chance to sing from Paris to Buenos Aires (Argentina).

He also regularly performs on the concert platform : Beethoven IX Symphony, Mozart Requiem, Puccini Messa di gloria, Dvorak Stabat Mater, Liszt Psaume XIII, Et puis, le monde bleu by Fabrice Boulanger, Paraboles by Noël Lee, Mendelssohn Lobgesang, Bach Passions...

He took part in masterclasses with Nathalie Stutzmann, Michael Levinas, Franck Leguérinel, Jean-Philippe Lafont, Malcolm King, Maarten Koningsberger, Nicole Fallien and is currrently studying with Lionel Sarrazin.

Coming soon

More and more projects for Xavier de Lignerolles in contemporary music.

Many recitals with Fanny Vicens.

In April, Xavier de Lignerolles created the role of Captain Nemo in the opera Le Retour du Capitaine Nemo, by Bruno Letort, from the Comics by François Schuiten and Benoît Peeters, at the Opéra National du Rhin (Festival Arsmondo Utopie). Next one in June, in the Comics International Festival of Delémont (Swiss). Then in 24/25...

Some creations with Musicatreize Ensemble in 24.

This summer, he will sing with the accordeonist Pascal Contet for three concerts.

In 2025, he will sing at the Opera of Limoges and at the Opera of Clermont-Ferrand.